It is to the tune of Billy Joel's "Piano Man":
Panda Man
It’s ten o’clock on a Friday night
The orange-clad crowd’s set to blow
With the score in a knot, waiting for the shot
From a slugger we’ve all come to know…
We beg, “Please, won’t you give us the memory
Of a season not too long ago.
It was sad, but still sweet. How we loved it
When you came to bat and stole the show!
La-la-la, di-da-da
La-la, di-di-da-da-dum…
Give us that thrill, you’re the Panda Man!
Give us that thrill tonight!
Yeah, you know we go wild for old forty-eight…
When balls vanish faster than light!
Now Aubrey, he walked with a veteran eye
That Posey kid just won’t quit
Slapped a single to right, what a kid, what a fight
Now Uribe’s the man set to hit…
As the first pitch, a fastball, came rocketing
We could all see the smile cross his face
As he crushed it so hard off the bricks in right
Yet only wound up on first base
Oh, La-la-la, di-da-da
La-la, di-di-da-da-dum…
Now, Burrell, a great surprise he has been
In play with his childhood club
Yet “the Bat”, so they call him, a heater did stall him
An infield pop just off the nub.
To the plate, Schierholtz strides, oozing confidence
He can rake, and he knows…so do we
Gets a couple good hacks, 0-and-2 he stands…
But gets fooled by a splitter. Strike three.
Give us that thrill, you’re the Panda Man!
Give us that thrill tonight!
Yeah, you know we go wild for old forty-eight…
When balls vanish faster than light!
It’s a fully stoked crowd, as it always is...
And we Faithful, we know we’re not done...
‘Cause on deck waits a guy with a gleam in his eye
Always ready for a chance for some fun!!!
As he steps in the box on the left-hand side…
See the orange crowd turn black-and-white
As the panda masks rise, that same look in their eyes...
Saying “Send that ball bay-bound in flight!!!”
Oh, La-la-la, di-da-da
La-la, di-di-da-da-dum…
Oh…give us that thrill, you’re the Panda Man!
Give us that thrill tonight!
Yeah, you know we go wild for old forty-eight…
When balls vanish faster than light!
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