I wrote last week that Mark DeRosa looks like his wrist is still bugging him. He hasn’t really driven the ball to his pull field which is a common problem for those with wrist injuries. Now he wants to get it checked out.
CSNBayArea is reporting that DeRosa is going to have his wrist checked by a specialist today.
“I'm starting to question some things," DeRosa said. "I'm gonna get my wrist looked at (Tuesday). I'm not happy with the way I'm swinging the bat. I've gotten some pitches to drive over the last week or two that I'm just not getting to. I'm starting to wonder if it's something physical. I mean, a slump can only last for so long," he said Monday. "It seems like ever since I hurt this thing it's been downhill."
Well no kidding things have been down hill, DeRosa’s line has been a disappointment all season and there is no a whole lot to look fondly upon besides a good walk rate.
Hopefully there is something in his wrist that needs to be fixed, but I have a feeling that time is really all that is needed for it to heal. DeRosa who is 35 is no spring chicken and wrists have a nasty habit of being nagging power sapping injuries that linger for far too long.
A tip of the hat for these signings to Brian Sabean you are stimulating the health care industry of San Francisco and Arizona with these two guys.
I was never too keen on the Derosa signing this off-season (really old, not a good fit considering the roster), and I wasn't even factoring in the injury. Just awful. $24 million committed to two guys with serious injury issues, and the cheap options developed through the system are either a.) gone or b.) about to be gone because Bochy won't play them.
ReplySeriously...it's this kind of stuff that makes you want to light yourself on fire as a Giants fan.
I know what you mean. It is hard to fathom some of the moves that are made by our Fearless Leaders.
ReplyIt makes you want to bang your head against a wall to numb the pain of being a Giants fan.